Starbucks College Achievement Plan Graduation Ceremony

Starbucks College Achievement Plan


The Starbucks College Achievement Plan creates an opportunity for eligible U.S. Starbucks partners (employees) to earn their bachelor’s degree online at Arizona State University with 100% upfront tuition coverage. Partners can choose from 150+ undergraduate degree programs through ASU Online. To provide a path for veterans and military families, veteran partners can extend an additional Starbucks College Achievement Plan benefit to a qualifying family member. In addition, the Pathway to Admission program allows partners to work towards admission into ASU.


To learn more, visit the Starbucks College Achievement Plan website   

Starbucks College achievement plan in partnership with Arizona State University

Program Innovations and Expansions

Veterans working at starbucks

Veteran Family Members

To show gratitude to veteran partners (employees) for their service, Starbucks extended an additional Starbucks College Achievement Plan benefit to a qualifying family member of their choice. The participating family member receives 100% tuition coverage and all the same benefits of the program.

Pathway to Admission

Pathway to Admission creates an opportunity for academically inadmissible partners (employees) to earn their admission into ASU. Eligible partners can take up to 10 ASU courses with credit conversion costs fully covered. When completed successfully, the partner may be admitted into ASU and continue with the Starbucks College Achievement Plan to earn their first bachelor's degree.

Grad cap, starbucks apron
Starbucks College Achievement Plan graduates
partners (employees) participating in the Starbucks College Achievement Plan and Pathway to Admission
admitted to ASU through Pathway to Admission